
1. Receipt of the demand letter from Client.
Upon receipt of the demand letter we scan out “Data Bank” or release an advertisement through leading newspapers (if required)
2. Pre- Securing By Our Experts
Short listing of CVs to meet client’s specification & requirements. We conduct preliminary interview in order to ascertain the capacity of applicants (as per details furnished by them in their CVs). We closely review applicant’s physical appearance, I .Q & attitude. We forward a complete set of CVs of candidates to clients for their review and evaluation if required.
3. Final selection by our Clients
We will provide the best secretarial assistance for the interviewer. After selection by client a formal offer letter is issued to candidates or a declaration is taken from them accepting our terms & Condition. Individuals should report after receiving of visa & Air Ticket. The selected candidate will be refrained from joining another organization, prior 60 days of traveling to avoid delayed visa processing.

The availability of candidates would be re-confirmed by us to the client.
4. Prepare “Selection Report” & Forwarded to Client.
pre-selection Assessment form with the delegates Approval & Comment
Declaration form duly signed by the candidates.
The Job details of candidates for quick reference.
Complete passport details for easy reference to apply Visa
Clear Copies of passport and Photograph
Detailed CVs with copies of qualification & experience certificates.
Certificate of medical fitness would be required so as not to process visa for unfit candidates.

5. Mobilization – Travel Processing & Deployment.
We will keep the candidates posted of the visa status so that they are ready for departure even at short notice.
We will complete travel formalities upon receipt of endorsement of visa and inform clients regarding departure of candidates.
We will strictly adhere to our client’s Instructions at every stage of the recruitment and deploy the candidates within the stipulate time.

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Eastern Power

REGD. NO- B-0411/KOL/PER/1000+/5/8429/2009

Eastern Power engage in providing service for in Placement Service in Gulf .

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  • 9831088597
  • 9432310050
  • 124, Shantinagar , P.O. Italgacha ,
    Kolkata -700 079,
    W.Bengal, India,

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